“IoT + AI + Open Data + Block Chain = Smart City”
東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府・越塚登研究室では、情報社会における石油とも言われる「データ」を利活用し、産業分野や社会革新イノベーションを達成するために寄与したいと考えています。実世界からIoT(Internet of Things)技術によって得られたビッグデータや、オープンデータや産業ビッグデータを活用し、機械学習(Machine Learning)や深層学習(DeepLearning)など技術をはじめとした、データサイエンスの知見を駆使して、「総合」的に「分析」し、高度に最適化された都市(Smart City)を実現し、デジタル社会変革(Digital Transformation)を起こすこと目指しています。
Koshizuka Laboratory hopes to contribute to the achievement of industrial fields and social innovation by utilizing “data” called as “oil” in the information society. Utilizing big data obtained by IoT technology from the real world, open data and industrial big data, we comprehensively analyze using knowledge of data science such as machine learning and deep learning and other techniques, We are aiming to realize a smart city optimized for the digital transformation of our society.
■ 研究室運営/Laboratory Management
Koshizuka Laboratory is jointly operated by three faculty members: Professor Noboru Koshizuka, Associate Professor Takashi Michikata, Project Associate Professor Takeo Hamada, Project Lecturer Hangli Ge, Assistant Professor Anna Yokokubo, Project Assistant Professor Hirotsugu Seike, some professional researchers. We are also conducting research in diverse industry-government-university collaborations and international collaboration. Students enroll in a doctoral and master courses of about 20 students. We would like to hope for students who are willing to cooperate and subject themselves, to write papers, to present them at international conferences, and to be motivated to aim for social implementation of the results.
2019年研究室合宿@群馬県沼田市 星の降る森
■研究テーマ/Research Theme
The research theme to be handled in the laboratory is wide, and please access our web pages introducing our researches if you are interested in our laboratory.
参考情報/ Reference Information
- http://noboru.koshizuka-lab.org/ (越塚個人のページ/Personal home page of Prof. Koshizuka)
- https://www.koshizuka-lab.org/ (越塚研究室/Koshizuka Laboratory)
- http://www.tron.org/ (トロンフォーラム/TRON Forum)
- http://www.uidcenter.org/ (ユビキタスIDセンター/Ubiquitous ID Center)
- http://odpt.org/ (公共交通オープンデータ協議会/Association for Open Data of Public Transformation)