International Conferences
- Xiaojie Yang, Hangli Ge, Jiawei Wang, Zipei Fan, Renhe Jiang, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Noboru Koshizuka: “CausalMob: Causal Human Mobility Prediction with LLMs-derived Human Intentions toward Public Events”, KDD 2025: 31st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Aug. 2025.
Magazine Papers
- 越塚登:「都市のビッグピクチャーとしてのシン・スマートシティ」, 小特集「機械と情報通信の双方から考えるサイバーフィジカル融合社会」, 電子情報通信学会誌 2025年2月号(日本機械学会誌 2025年2月号と同じ).
Journal Papers
- Hanagli Ge, Takashi Michikata, Noboru Koshizuka: “K-Neighboring on Multi-weighted Graphs for Passenger Count Prediction on Railway Networks”, 情報処理学会COMPSAC 特集号「Special issue of “Applications and the internet” in conjunction with the main topics of COMPSAC 2023」, 2024, JIP 特別選考論文賞.
https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ipsjjip/32/0/32_575/_article/-char/en. - Shinji Tsuji, Takeo Hamada, Takashi Michikata, and Noboru Koshizuka: “IgnitusTracker: Tracking Bee Flights for Assessing the Activity of Bombus Ignitus Towards Keeping Optimal Pollination Environments”, IEEE Access, 2024..
- 荒川清晟. (2024), 「大都市から地方への人口移動における社会経済的要因に関する研究-固定効果法を用いたポアソン重力モデルによる縦断的分析-」, 『社会経済システム』, 43, to appear.
- 荒川清晟. (2024), 「地方公共団体における移住推進施策と大都市から地方への人口移動の関係-市町村まち・ひと・しごと創生総合戦略のテキスト分析」, 『地域デザイン』, 23, to appear.
- Ono, K., Arakawa, K., Yamada, D., & Matsumoto, K. (2023). A scoping review of eye-tracking metrics as an indicator of negative mental health-related outcomes and its possible applicability in remote work situations. Environmental and Occupational Health Practice, to appear.
- 並木志乃, 越塚登: 「学校給食における地産地消の発展策と影響 -熊本県山江村の事例から」, 研究紀要「東京大学情報学環紀要 情報学研究」, No. 106, 2024年3月, pp. 17–34.
International Conferences
- Shunya Taniguchi, Shin Nakajima, Takashi Michikata, Hirotsugu Seike, and Noboru Koshizuka: “DSPOL: A High-Level Language for Defining Data Policies in Data Spaces”, in Proc. IEEE BigData 2024, Special Session for Data Spaces and DFFT (Data Free flow with Trust), Dec. 2024.
- Hangli Ge, Xiaojie Yang, Itsuki Matsunaga, Dizhi Huang, Noboru Koshizuka: “FLTP: Federating on Route Search Records for Improving Long-term Traffic Prediction”, in Proc. IEEE BigData 2024, Special Session for Data Spaces and DFFT (Data Free flow with Trust), Dec. 2024.
- Naho Kitano, Jiro Kokuryo, Noboru Koshizuka, Hideyuki Yasui, and Kazuhiko Kitayama: “Empowering Citizens through Structured Data- Enhancing Public Service information Delivery in Disaster Response”, in Proc. IEEE BigData 2024, Special Session for Data Spaces and DFFT (Data Free flow with Trust), Dec. 2024.
- Xiaojie Yang, Zipei Fan, Hangli Ge, Takashi Michikata, Shibasaki Ryosuke, Noboru Koshizuka: “Causality-Aware Next Location Prediction Framework Based on Human Mobility Stratification”, UIC 2024: The 21st IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Dec. 2024.
- Jiawei Wang, Renhe Jiang, Chuang Yang, Zengqing Wu, Makoto Onizuka, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Noboru Koshizuka, Chuan Xiao: “Large Language Models as Urban Residents: An LLM Agent Framework for Personal Mobility Generation”, NeurIPS 2024: 2024 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Dec. 2024.
- Yusuke Sasaki, Tatsuya Ishizuka, Takeo Hamada, Noboru Koshizuka: “Reconstruction of 3D Point Cloud of Entire Greenhouse using RGB-D Camera”, The 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (IEEE ISC2 2024), Oct., 2024.
- Chisaki Hori, Takeo Hamada, Rin Sakamoto, Takashi Michikata, Anna Yokokubo, Noboru Koshizuka: “VR Pedestrian Simulation to Promote Understanding of Different Perspective for Implementing Walkable City” , 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2024), Oct., 2024.
- Rin Sakamoto, Anna Yokokubo, Takeo Hamada, Noboru Koshizuka: “ScaleCity: Toolset for Constructing Urban Data Visualization Using 3D Printed Transparent City” , 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2024), Oct., 2024, Outstanding Paper.
- Tatsuya Ishizuka, Yusuke Sasaki, Takeo Hamada, Yuki Shimazaki-Kishi, Noboru Koshizuka: “Eggplant Detection and Counting Across the Entire Greenhouse Using Deep Learning and Motion Parallax”, 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2024), Oct., 2024.
- Hangli Ge, Hirotsugu Seike, Noboru Koshizuka: “Time-Probability Dependent Knowledge Extraction in IoT-enabled Smart Building”, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2024.
- Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka: “A statistical method for detecting Bitcoin mining resource changes considering difficulty”, IEEE COINS 2024, July, 2024.
Magazine Papers
- 越塚登: 「データ駆動型スマートシティとそのプラットフォーム─都市のデータとその利活用,それを支える都市OS とデータ連携基盤」, 都市計画368号「デジタルは都市・国土をどう変えるか」, Vol. 73, no. 3, 日本都市計画学会, 2024年5月.
Ph. D Thesis
- 及川皓生:「エッジデバイスに向けたデータの特徴を考慮したデータ管理手法の研究」(2024年4月, 早期終了)
- 荒川清晟:「大都市から地方への人口移動要因に関する考察」(2024年3月, 社会情報学コース)
Master Thesis (Jan. 2024)
- 石井 冬馬:「周囲の状態推定を用いた視覚障害者のための支援者発見手法」(An Assistant Finding Method for the Visually Impaired Using Ambient State Estimation)
- 小杉 雄斗:「高速道路及び一般道における渋滞予測手法の改善」(Improvement of Congestion Prediction Methods on Expressways and Local Roads)
- 谷口 駿也:「Dataspace システムにおけるデータガバナンスのため のポリシー記述言語」
- 辻 真治:「最適な受粉環境の維持を目的としたクロマルハナバチの活動測定のための追跡手法」
- 堀 千咲:「ウォーカブルシティの歩行空間設計に向けた市民の合意形成のための歩行者シミュレーション」(Pedestrian simulation for building consensus among citizens for pedestrian space design in walkable cities)
International Conferences
- Kijun Kim and Noboru Koshizuka: “Extending Healthy Life Expectancy: Frailty Detection Model Using Smart Meter and Machine Learning”, IEEE BigData 2023, Special Session on Healthcare Data, Dec., 2023.
- Itsuki Matsunaga, Takashi Michikata, and Noboru Koshizuka: “ITDT: International Testbed for Dataspace Technology”, IEEE BigData 2023, Special Session on DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust), Dec., 2023.
- Takashi Michikata, Yusuke Sasaki, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Applying Homomorphic Encryption to Data Spaces”, IEEE BigData 2023, Special Session on DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust), Dec., 2023.
- T. Michikata, S. Taniguchi, T. Ishii, C. Hori, L. Lin, G. Hangli, and N. Koshizuka: “Multi-Horizon Visitor Forecasting for a Shopping Mall with Limited Historical Data under Covid -19”, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom 2023), Nov. 2023.
- Yusuke Sasaki, Tamae Itabashi, Takeo Hamada and Noboru Koshizuka: “Forecasting Insolation Shaded by Solar Panels for Optimal Layout in Agrivoltaic System,” 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) , 2023.
- Kijun Kim, Noboru Koshizuka, and Shota Narisawa: “Application of Smart Meters for Detecting Human Activity: Concept and Case Study”, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oahu Hawaii, Oct. 1-4, 2023.
- Shunya Taniguchi, Chisaki Hori, Ge Hangli, Takashi Michikata, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Analyzing the Correlation of People Flow and Sales Using a Large Number of People Counters Installed in a Shopping Complex”, The 9th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (IEEE ISC2 2023), Sep., 2023.
- Yusuke Sasaki, Tomoka Segawa, Takashi Michikata, Noboru Koshizuka: “Architecture for Privacy-Preserving Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation among Multiple Organizations using Homomorphic Encryption”, The 9th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (IEEE ISC2 2023), Sep., 2023.
- Hiroki Oikawa, Hangli Ge, Noboru Koshizuka: “Efficient Compressed Ratio Estimation Using Online Sequential Learning for Edge Computing”, 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2023.
- Itsuki Matsunaga, Yuto Kosugi, Ge Hangli, Takashi Michikata, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Improving Long-Term Traffic Prediction with Online Search Log Data”, COMPSAC 2023 workshop The 6th IEEE International Workshop on Smart and Sustainable Mobility & Logistics in Smart Cities, June, 2023.
- Hiroki Oikawa, Hangli Ge, Noboru Koshizuka: “Dynamic Representative Data Management of Multiple Time Series for Edge Computing”, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium, May 2023.
- Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka: “Evaluating Off-chain Transaction Queueing Delay to Ensure Data Integrity by Blockchain”, 2023 the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), April 2023.
- C. Yang, K. Matsumoto, S. Yu, L. Sawada, K. Arakawa, D. Yamada, and H. Kuzuoka: “Understanding the effect of a virtual moderator on people’s perception in remote discussion using social VR”. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2023.
Domestic Conferences
- 坂本 凜, 横窪安奈, 道⽅ 孝志, 越塚登,”ScaleCity︓透明な3次元都市模型を⽤いた都市データのVisualization”, pp.50-57, 情報処理学会行動変容学研究グループ第6回研究会, 2023.(最優秀デモ・ポスター賞)
- 堀 千咲, 濱⽥健夫, 横窪安奈, 道⽅孝志, 越塚登,”ウォーカブルシティの歩⾏空間設計に向けた市⺠の合意形成のための歩⾏者 シミュレーション”,pp.58-64,情報処理学会行動変容学研究グループ第6回研究会, 2023.
Journal Papers
- 荒川清晟・野寄修平・中田登志之. (2023), 「東京都の転出入者数に対する新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響」, 『情報文化学会誌』, 29(2), pp.19-26.
- 荒川清晟・野寄修平. (2023), 『大都市から地方への移住と社会経済的要因の関連 ―Elastic net回帰を用いたポアソン重力モデルによる分析―』, 『社会情報学』, 11(3), pp.19-33.
Magazine Papers
- 越塚 登:「社会環境変化への対応を支えるデータ基盤:国内外のデータ基盤の現状・展望とDATA-EX」, 計測と制御, Vol. 62, No. 4, , 計測自動制御学会, 2023年4月号.
https://www.sice.jp/pub/journal/mokuji/sice62-4.html - 越塚 登:「インタビュー:フィジカライズされる都市と建築」, 建築雑誌, 2023-4, 日本建築学会, 2023年4月.
- 越塚登監修、清水理史&できるシリーズ編集部 著:「できるChatGPT: GPT 3.5対応」, インプレス, 2023年7月.
- 越塚登:「都市におけるデータプラットフォームとイノベーション」, 高木聡一郎編:「インターネット・オブ・プレイスー『都市』の新しい拡張」, 東京大学出版会, 2023年5月.
Ph. D Thesis
- 大杉慎平:「スマートメータインフラを用いた不在配送問題の解消」(Solution for the Absent Delivery Problem Utilizing Smart Meter Infrastructure)(2023年秋 学府長賞)
Master Thesis (Jan. 2023)
- 江口 静:「独自ブロックチェーンとオフチェーン DataBase を使ったハイブリッド型の DID(分散型識別子)実装アーキテクチャー」
- 大塚 一輝:”Computational Language β based on Orthomodular Lattices with the Non-distributivity of Quantum Logic” (量子論理の非分配性を有する直交モジュラー束上の計算言語 β)
- 嶋田 朱里:「画像解析と身体尺を組み合わせた農作物茎長の計測手法」
- 瀬川友香:「準同型暗号を用いた複数組織間での安全なデータ活用方式」
- 片岡 茅悠:「設備操作の予測に基づくスマートビル・オートメーションの自動制御フレームワーク」
- 談 莫利:「プログラミング教育による 計算論的思考の学習効果の評価」
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2023)
- 松永惟月:「オンライン検索履歴データを用いた高速道路上での長期的な交通予測
Journal Papers
- Hangli Ge, Zhe Sun, Yasuhira Chiba, Noboru Koshizuka: “Accurate indoor location awareness based on machine learning of environmental sensing data,” Computers & Electrical Engineering, 98, March 2022.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.107676
International Conferences
- Noboru Koshizuka and Hiroshi Mano: “DATA-EX: Infrastructure for Cross-Domain Data Exchange Based on Federated Architecture”, IEEE BigData 2022 Special Session on Platform for DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust), Dec. 2022.
- Yuto Kosugi, Itsuki Matsunaga, Hangli Ge, Takashi Michikata, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Traffic Congestion Prediction Using Toll and Route Search Log Data”, IEEE BigData 2022 Special Session on Intelligent Data Mining, Dec. 2022.
- Hiroki Oikawa, Hangli Ge, Noboru Koshizuka: “On-line Interpolation-based Data Management for Time-Series Data toward Edge Computing”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, November,2022.
- Shunya Taniguchi, Hangli Ge, Takeo Hamada, Takashi Michikata and Noboru Koshizuka: “Detecting Door Operations Using Wearable Devices”, Poster, 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), September, 2022.
- Takekazu Kitagishi, Hangli Ge, Takashi Michikata and Noboru Koshizuka: “Wi-Monitor: Wi-Fi Channel State Information-based Crowd Counting with Lightweight and Low-cost IoT Devices”, GIoTS 2022, Dublin, Jun. 2022.
- G. Hangli, L. Lin, R. Jiang, T. Michikata and N. Koshizuka: “Multi-weighted Graphs Learning for Passenger Count Prediction on Railway Network,” IEEE COMPSAC 2022, June 2022.
- Masahiro Matsui, Takuto Sugisaki, Kensaku Okada, Noboru Koshizuka: “AlphaSQL: Open Source Software Tool for Automatic Dependency Resolution, Parallelization and Validation for SQL and Data,” 13th International Workshop on Self-Managing Database Systems, May 2022.
- Takeo Hamada, Ari Hautasaari, Michiteru Kitazaki, Noboru Koshizuka: “Solitary Jogging with A Virtual Runner using Smartglasses,” 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 644-654, March 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/VR51125.2022.00085
Magazine Papers
- 越塚登:「経年優化するスマートシティ:データ駆動型スマートシティの技術とプラットフォーム」, (特集)スマートシティとAIの新展開, 人工知能学会誌, 37巻4号, 2022年7月.
Domestic Conferences
- 江口静, 道方孝志, 越塚登:「DID(分散型識別子)システムを用いたパーソナルデータ・アプリケーションの実装手法」, FIT 2022, 2022年9月.
- 佐々木佑介, 石井冬馬, 濱田健夫, 越塚登: 「Point-Agri: デジタルツイン温室の構築と点群解析を用いた生育診断」, 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, 2022年5月.
- 石井冬馬, 佐々木佑介, 濱田健夫, 越塚登: 「拡張現実感による園芸農作業支援システムに関する研究」, 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, 2022年5月.
- 石井冬馬, 佐々木佑介, 濱田健夫, 越塚登: 「拡張現実感による園芸農作業支援システムに関する研究」, 可視化情報学会第5回ビジュアリゼーションワークショップ, 2022年2月.
Ph. D Thesis
- 伊東謙介: 「Consensus-Building on Citations in Peer-to-Peer Systems(Peer-to-Peerシステムにおける引用の合意形成について)」(学際情報学府長賞)
- 武宮誠: 「Stochastic Route Traversal Generation for Enabling Wayfinding Aids to Understand the Individual Needs of their Users(個別ユーザーニーズに応じた経路探索支援のための他確率的経路生成)」
- 清家大嗣:「スケーラビリティに基づくブロックチェーンインフラストラクチャ ーの数学的分析」
Master Thesis (Sep. 2022)
- 周天揚:”Walking Route Recommendation Avoiding Pollen Allergenic Risks: A Case Study Based on Open Data and Open-Licensed Images in Tokyo Metropolitan Area “
Master Thesis (Jan. 2022)
- 北岸毅一: 「Wi-Monitor: 軽量かつ安価なIoTデバイスを用いたWi-Fi電波の伝搬特性に基づく人数測定機構」
- 棚橋悠: 「空間人流データを用いた混雑を回避したMaaSにおける最適経路発見」
- 三股猛:「Blockchain技術を用いたFederation Learningにおけるインセンティブ付与機構」
- 佐々木佑介:「Point-Agri: デジタルツイン温室の構築と点群解析を用いた生育診断」
- 松井誠泰:「AlphaSQL: OLAP SQLファイル集合の依存スキーマ管理と自動並列化を支援する新しいワークフローツールの提案」
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2022)
- 石井冬馬: 「拡張現実感技術による園芸農作業支援システムに関する研究」
- 谷口駿也: 「ウェアラブルデバイスを用いたドア操作の検出」
Journal Papers
- Hangli Ge, Xiaohui Peng, Noboru Koshizuka: “Applying Knowledge Inference on Event-Conjunction for Automatic Control in Smart Building”, Applied Sciences 11 (3), 935, Jan. 2021.
International Conferences
- Kijun Kim, Shimpei Ohsugi, Noboru Koshizuka: “Machine Learning Model for Frailty Detectxion using Electric Power Consumption Data from Smart Meter,” 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 1-9, Oct. 2021.
DOI: 10.1109/DSAA53316.2021.9564127 - Shimpei Ohsugi, So Negishi, Kensaku Okada, Hayato Yoshii, Kenji Tanaka, Noboru Koshizuka: “Traveling Salesman Problem on Smart Meter Infrastructure,” 2021 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-7, Sept. 2021.
DOI: 10.1109/ISC253183.2021.9562827 - Hangli Ge, Masahiro Matsui, Noboru Koshizuka: “An Open-IoT Approach on Elevator for Enabling Autonomous Robotic Vertical Mobility”. 2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech), March 2021.
- Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki, Noboru Koshizuka: “Towards Smart Contracts for Verifying DNN Model Generation Process with the Blockchain”, 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA), 160-168, March 2021.
Master Thesis (Jan. /Oct. 2021)
- 杉崎琢人: 「時間的・消費者異質性を加味したUplift Modeling手法のダイレクトマーケティング分野への適用について」
- 常小青: 「スマート農業におけるIoTプラットフォーム」
- 上田翔大朗: 「画像解析によるクルマエビ養殖場の水質予測」
- 柳原舜: 「データセンターにおける機器異常点検業務の自動化」
- 千葉彌平:「プロトタイプIoTアプリケーション開発フレームワークの提案」
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2021)
- 片岡茅悠: 「三次元仮想空間におけるデータ可視化のためのWidget」
- 越塚登:岡田賞(気象ビジネス推進コンソーシアムを通じ民間における気象データ利活用推進に寄与した功績)(2020年9月29日)
https://www.jwa.or.jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/553bb5b9793990cf72d902aa88c5bc4b.pdf - 越塚登:気象庁長官表彰・一般功績(気象ビジネス推進コンソーシアムを通じた民間における気象データ利活用の推進に寄与した功績)(2020年6月1日)
Journal Papers
- Hangli, Ge, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Intellevator: An Intelligent Elevator System Proactive in Traffic Control for Time-Efficiency Improvement”,IEEE Access 8: 35535-35545 (2020).
International Conferences
- Takeo Hamada, Ari Hautasaari, Michiteru Kitazaki, and Noboru Koshizuka
Exploring the Effects of a Virtual Companion on Solitary Jogging Experience
on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
March 2020. - Takeo Hamada, Yasuhira Chiba, JongMoon Choi, Noboru Koshizuka: “Finding Four-leaf Clovers while Supported by AI.”, SIGGRAPH Asia Posters 2020: 6:1-6:2.
- Slamet Kristanto Tirto Utomo, Takeo Hamada, Noboru Koshizuka: “Blockchain-based Incentive System for Public Trash Bin”. GCCE 2020: 168-172
- Jong Moon Choi, Hangli Ge, Noboru Koshizuka
IoT-based Occupants Counting with Smart Building State Variables
2020 IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises - JongMoon Choi, XiaoQing Chang and Noboru Koshizuka: “Self-determined Lighting Control by Surveillance Camera in Smart Building” (Poster) , IEEE LifeTech 2020, March, 2020.
- Shogo Fukushima, Takeo Hamada, and Ari Hautasaari. Comparing World and Screen Coordinate Systems in Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays for Text Readability while Walking. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2020 (ISMAR 2020), November 2020.
- Takeo Hamada, Ari Hautasaari, Michiteru Kitazaki, and Noboru Koshizuka. Exploring the Effects of a Virtual Companion on Solitary Jogging Experience, In Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 639-640, 2020.
Domestic Conferences
- 松井 誠泰,杉崎 琢人,越塚 登: “AlphaSQL: SQLファイル集合の型・スキーマ解析と自動並列化”, 情報処理学会プログラミング研究会 – 第131回プログラミング研究発表会, 2020年10月.
- 清家大嗣, 青木保一, 越塚登:「ブロックチェーン技術を用いた, 悪意を持って学習されたニューラルネットワークモデルの通報システム」, 電子情報通信学会総合大会予稿集, 2020年3月17日.
Master Thesis (Jan. 2020)
- 金岐俊:「駐車場稼働率データおよび機械学習アルゴリズムを用いた駐車場問題解決に関する研究」
Kijun Kim: “Proposal of Parking Solution Using Parking Occupancy Data and Machine Learning Algorithm” - 崔鐘文:「Smart Greenhouse System:IoTと機械学習を用いた新規就農者サポートシステムに関する研究」
- 藤原亜希子:「会議室レイアウト自動生成プラットフォームの構築と有効性検証」
Akiko Fujiwara: “Construction and Evaluation of Automatic Meeting Room Layout Generation Platform”
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2020)
- 松井誠泰:「組み込みリアルタイムシステム向け開発環境の設計と実装」
Masahiro Matsui: “Abstracted and Virtualized Development Environment for Embedded Real-Time Systems”
International Conferences
- Masahiro Matsui: “Abstracted and Virtualized Development Environment for Embedded Real-Time Systems”, 2019 TRON Symposium, December 2019.
https://www.tronshow.org/2019-tron-symposium/en/2019-TRON-Symposium-Proceedings.zip - Yasuhira Chiba, JongMoon Choi, Takeo Hamada, and Noboru Koshizuka. Finding Four-leaf Clovers with AR and AI. Demonstrations of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2019 (ISMAR2019), China, October 2019. (demo)
- K. Kim and N. Koshizuka, “Data-driven Parking Decisions: Proposal of Parking Availability Prediction Model,” 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life Using ICT & IoT and AI (HONET-ICT), Charlotte, NC, USA, 2019, pp. 161-165.
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8908028&isnumber=8907949 - Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka, “Fork Rate-based Analysis of the Longest Chain Growth Time Interval of a PoW Blockchain,” International Conference on Blockchain 2019, Jul. 2019.
- JongMoon Choi and Noboru Koshizuka: “Optimal Harvest Date Prediction by Integrating Past and Future Feature Variables”,6th IEEE CSDE 2019, The Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering 2019, Melbourne, Australia, 09th – 11th December, 2019
http://ilab-australia.org/CSDE2019/ - Daisuke Nagayama, Emi Yamagishi, Masamune Kuno, Gen Ishikawa, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Electric Maternal, Child and Doctor Handbook as Personal Data Storage for Disaster Preparedness”, IEEE LifeTech 2019, March, 2019.
- Hangli Ge, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo and Noboru Koshizuka: “Intellevator: Enhancing Elevator System Efficiency by Proactive Computing on The Traffic Flow” (Poster Session Paper), IEEE LifeTech 2019, March, 2019.
10.1109/LifeTech.2019.8884070 - Shimpei Ohsugi, Kenji Tanaka and Noboru Koshizuka: “Privacy enhancement for delivery route optimization through occupancy prediction”, in Proc. 2019 8th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2019), Feb., 2019.
- Ari Hautasaari, Takeo Hamada, Kuntaro Ishiyama, and Shogo Fukushima. VocaBura: A Method for Supporting Second Language Vocabulary Learning While Walking, In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol.3 (4), article 135, 23 pages, 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3369824
- Michiteru Kitazaki, Takeo Hamada, Katsuya Yoshiho, Ryota Kondo, Tomohiro Amemiya, Koichi Hirota, and Yasushi Ikei. Virtual walking sensation by pre-recorded oscillating optic flow and synchronous foot vibration, In I-Perception, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/2041669519882448
- Shogo Fukushima, Ari Hautasaari, and Takeo Hamada. Second Language Vocabulary Learning While Walking. In Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019 (AH2019), Article 44, 2 pages, France, March 2019.
Domestic Conferences
- Satoshi Fujisawa, Takeo Hamada, Yasushi Ikei, and Michiteru Kitazaki: A Body Odyssey: Crawling into human digestive organs by visual, tactile and auditory sensations, In Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Vol.24, No.4, 2019. (in Japanese) DOI: 10.18974/tvrsj.24.4_337
- 清家大嗣, 青木保一, 越塚登:「PoW ブロックチェーンにおける, ブロック伝搬遅延を考慮した最長チェーン成長時間に関する CDF の下限評価」, 2019年暗号と情報セキュリティーシンポジウム(SCIS 2019), 電子情報通信学会 情報セキュリティ研究専門委員会, 2019年1月.
Doctor Dissertation (Jan. 2019)
- 葛杭麗:「スマートビルディングにおける屋内モビリティの強化」
Hangli Ge: “Enhancing Indoor Mobility of Smart Building”
Master Thesis (Jan. 2019)
- 河口大輝:「Smart Buildingアプリケーションの移植性・開発効率向上のための空間指向プログラミングモデル」
Masaki Kawaguchi: “Space-oriented programming model for improving portability and development efficiency of Smart Building” - 佐々木美穂:「スマートビルにおけるLocation Proof機構を利用したアクセスコントロールの実現」
Miho Sasaki: “Enable access control using location proof in Smart Building” - 永山大輔:「被災時利用を想定した電子母子手帳の開発」
Daisuke Nagayama: “Electric Maternal, Child and Doctor Handbook for Disaster Preparedness” - 辻野祐希:「ブロックチェーン技術を用いたIoTデバイスの機能流通プラットフォーム」
Yuki Tsujino: “Function Distribution Platform of IoT Devices Using Blockchain Technology” - 木下貴文:「工場間連携のためのデータ変換機構」
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2019)
- 永田諒:「ブロックチェーン基盤を利用した、オープンデータカタログアプリケーションの作成」
- Noboru Koshizuka, Stephan Haller, and Ken Sakamura: “CPaaS.io: Open Smart City Platforms with EU-Japan Collaboration”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 51, No. 12, Special Issue: Governments in the Age of Big Data and Smart Cities, December 2018.[PDF]
- Takahiro Sumitomo and Noboru Koshizuka: “Progress and Initiatives of Open Data Policy in Japan”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 51, No. 12,, Special Issue: Governments in the Age of Big Data and Smart Cities, December 2018.
International Conferences
- Takeo Hamada, Michiteru Kitazaki, and Noboru Koshizuka. “Social Facilitation with Virtual Jogging Companion on Smartglasses”, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2018 Posters, Japan, December 2018.
- Hangli Ge, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo, and Noboru Koshizuka. “Intellevator: A Context-Aware Elevator System for Assisting Passengers.”, IEEE 16th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2018), Romania, October 2018.
10.1109/EUC.2018.00019 - Hangli Ge, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo, and Noboru Koshizuka. “PrecaElevator: Towards ZeroWaiting Time for Calling Elevator in Smart Building.”, IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2018), Japan, October 2018.
10.1109/GCCE.2018.8574706 - Hirotsugu Seike, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo, and Noboru Koshizuka. “Blockchain-Based Ubiquitous Code OwnershipManagement System without Hierarchical Structure”. IEEE Smart World Congress (SmartWorld 2018), China, October 2018.
- S. K. T. Utomo, T. Hamada and N. Koshizuka, “Low-Energy Smart Trash Bin Architecture for Dynamic Waste Collection System” in ICFNDS’18, International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems, June 26–27, 2018, Amman, Jordan.
10.1145/3231053.3231077 - Akira Fujiu, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo and Noboru Koshizuka”,
“CAACS: Context-Aware Access Control System for Physical Space in Smart
Building”,2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS’18), Bilbao, Spain, June 2018. - Shimpei Ohsugi, Noboru Koshizuka: “Delivery Route Optimization through Occupancy Prediction from Electricity Usage”, IEEE COMPSAC 2018, Tokyo, 2018.
Magazines (Domestic)
- 越塚登:「気象データとその新しい利活用にむけて」, 情報処理学会デジタルプラクティス, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 2018.
https://www.ipsj.or.jp/dp/contents/publication/33/S0901-S04.html - 平本健二,加藤文彦,越塚登, 萩野達也:「パネル討論:オープンデータ活用の今後の展開と課題」, 情報処理学会デジタルプラクティス, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 2018.
Domestic Conferences
- 佐々木美穂, 越塚登: 「Smart Buildingの機器操作における、Location-Proof機構を使用したアクセス制御の実現」, 第17回情報科学技術フォーラム、FIT 2018, 情報処理学会, 2018.
- 河口大輝, 濱田健夫, 越塚登: 「uCity:都市情報の共有を目指すオープン・アーキテクチャ」, 第17回情報科学技術フォーラム、FIT 2018, 情報処理学会, 2018.
- 永山大輔, 住友貴広, 越塚登: 「災害時利用を想定したPersonal Data Storeを基盤とした電子母子手帳の開発」, 第17回情報科学技術フォーラム、FIT 2018, 情報処理学会, 2018.
- 河口大輝, 永山大輔, 越塚登: 「RingRing:LoRaを活用した林業現場の緊急通報システム」, 第17回情報科学技術フォーラム、FIT 2018, 情報処理学会, 2018.
Master Thesis (Jan. 2018)
- 藤生晃:「コンテキストアウェアな実空間アクセスコントロールモデルに基づいたスマートビリディングの鍵管理機構」
- 安相ミン:「スマートビルディングに適した音声インタフェース」
- 清家大嗣:「ブロックチェーンを用いたGlobal NumericID分散発行・割当基盤」
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2018)
- 酒井由志:「LIDARセンサを搭載した車椅子による歩行空間バリア情報の取得」
Doctor Dissertation
- 淺野 智之: “Study on the Architecture of the fusion of human-centric applications and the Internet of Things” (2017/03/10)
- 金 知恩: “Smartphone-based Mobility Aid System Architecture for the Visually impaired” (2017/03/10)
- Syafril Bandara: “The Research of IoT Architecture for Open Services in Smart Buildings” (2017/04/14)
Master Thesis (Jan. 2017)
- 駱建米:「Visual Programming Language for Smart Buildings 」
- 叶若帆:「Wandering Detection and Location Prediction System for Supporting the Demented」
Bachelor Thesis (Jan. 2017)
- 河口 大輝 :「リアルタイム列車位置情報を用いた遅延予測」
- 元尾 健太:「分散型台帳技術を用いたオープンデータカタログシステムの提案」
- M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Outstanding Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT 2016), February 2016.
International Conferences
- M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, and Ken Sakamura, “A Secure and Flexible e-Health Access Control System with Provisions for Emergency Access Overrides and Delegation of Access Privileges,” IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT 2016), February 2016, pp. 541-546.
- Bandara, S., Yashiro, T., Koshizuka, N., and Sakamura, K.: “Access control framework for API-enabled devices in smart buildings.”, in Proc. 2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), pp. 210-217, IEEE, Aug. 2016.
- Bandara, S., Yashiro, T., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K.: “Towards a standard API design for open services in smart buildings.”, in Proc. TRON Symposium 2016, IEEE, Dec. 2016.
- Kim, J. E., Bessho, M., Koshizuka, N., and Sakamura, K. Navigating Visually Impaired Travelers in a Large Train Station Using Smartphone and Bluetooth Low Energy. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM symposium on Applied computing.
- http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2851613.2851716
- Asano, S.; Yashiro, T.; Sakamura, K., “A Proxy Framework for API Interoperability in the Internet of Things,” in Proc. 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2016), 2016.
- https://doi.org/10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800450
- Asano, S.; Yashiro, T.: Sakamura, K.: “Device Collaboration Framework in IoT-Aggregator for Realizing Smart Environment”, 2016 TRON Symposium, IEEE, Dec. 2016.
- https://doi.org/10.1109/TRONSHOW.2016.7842886
- Wirawit Chaochaisit, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura: “Human Localization Sensor Ontology: Enabling OWL 2 DL-Based Search for User’s Location-Aware Sensors in the IoT.” In Proc. ICSC 2016: 107-111, 2016.
- http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICSC.2016.31
- Slamet Kristanto, Takeshi Yashiro, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura: ””Dynamic Polling Algorithm for Low Energy Garbage Level Measurement in Smart Trash Bin”. In Proc. Urb-IoT 2016: 92-94, 2016.
- https://doi.org/10.1145/2962735.2962748
Doctor Dissertation
- 彭 暁暉:”A Programming Framework for Automatic Management of IoT-enabled Smart Buildings”(2016/05/20)
Master Thesis (March 2016)
- Alioua Nawel:”A Bio-Inspired Multihop Routing Algorithm for Low Power and Lossy Networks” (低消費電力 で損失の多いネットワークのための生物由来のマルチホップルーティングアルゴリズム)
- 幸田 宗大:「公共オープンデータの発信手法の研究」
- 島田 工: “T-Visor: A Real-time hypervisor for Embedded Systems with Hardware Virtualization Support” (T-Visor:ハードウェアによる仮想化支援機構を用いた組込みシステム向けリアルタイムハイパーバイザ), 優秀修士論文専攻長賞
- Slamet Kristanto Tirto Utomo: “Rsearch of Low Energy Smart Trash Can”(ローエネルギースマートゴミ箱の研究)
- Tiako Juimo Walter: “Appliance-level Energy Consumption Estimation Technique Using Open API in Smart Building”(スマートビルの Open API を用いるデバイスごとのエネルギー消費量推定手法)
- 劉 三勇: “User Preference-Based Smart Environment Control System for Multi-Occupants”(ユーザー選好度による複数在室者向けの自動室内環境制御システム)
International Conferences
- M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, and Ken Sakamura, “Fine-Grained Access Control to Medical Records in Digital Healthcare Enterprises,” IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC 2015), May 2015, pp. 1-6.
- Bandara, S., Yashiro, T., Khan, M. F. F., Koshizuka, N., and Sakamura, K.: “Predicting collective user preference for optimal comfort level in smart buildings.”, in Proc. 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp. 7-11, IEEE, Oct. 2015.
- https://doi.org/10.1109/GCCE.2015.7398686
- X. H. Peng, M. Bessho, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura, “DCRDL: An Energy Management Rule Definition Language for Context-based Device Control in Smart Buildings,” In Proc. of 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industry Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Nov. 2015.
- https://doi.org/10.1109/IECON.2015.7392112
- X. H. Peng, M. Bessho, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura, “EPDL: Supporting Context-based Energy Control Policy Design in IoT-enabled Smart Buildings,” In Proc. of The 11th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2015), Sydney, Dec. 2015.
- https://doi.org/10.1109/DSDIS.2015.17
- X. H. Peng, M. Bessho, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura, “EPDL: A Context-based Energy Management Policy Description Language for IoT-enabled Smart Buildings”, 2015 TRON Symposium, Tokyo, December 2015.
- Chaochaisit, W., Kim, J.E., Bessho, M., Koshizuka, N., and Sakamura, K. Evaluating Spatial Influence of Physical Visualizations in Public Settings. Workshop “SenCity2: Visualizing the Hidden Pulse of a City” at UbiComp 2015.
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301540927_Evaluating_Spatial_Influence_of_Physical_Visualizations_in_Public_Settings
- Hangli Ge, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura: “Model Design of Generating Path with Accessibility Semantics for Assisting Indoor Mobility.” DSDIS 2015: 139-146.
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DSDIS.2015.55
Domestic Conferences
- 新谷正太郎・矢代武嗣・坂村健「非対称マルチプロセッシングシステムにおける効率的なリアルタイムOS間同期RPC」, 情報処理学会第77回全国大会
Master Thesis (March 2015)
- 山本 晃:「センサノードのためのキャパシタを用いた消費エネルギーリアルタイム測定法式」
- 葛 杭麗: “An Indoor Spatial Model with Accessibility Semantics Extension for High-granularity Context Aware Navigation”(きめ細やかなコンテクストアウェア・ナビゲーションを実現するためのアクセシビリティ・セマンティクスを拡張した屋内空間モデル)
- 北 裕弥:「Ubi-UI Toolkit:スマート・ビルディングにおけるマルチモーダル・ユーザー・インターフェース構築のためのツールキット」
- 新谷 正太郎:「非対称マルチプロセシングシステムにおける効率的なリアルタイム OS 間同期 RPC」
- 高橋 大介:「Y ACL:スマートビルディング環境のためのアクセスコントロール言語」
- 宮川 卓也:「オープンデータを活用したマップに関する研究」
- Chen, Mu-Yen, Edwin Lughofer, and Ken Sakamura : “Information fusion in smart living technology innovations.” Information Fusion (2014).
- Khan, M., & Sakamura, K. : “The Context-Security Nexus in Ubiquitous Computing”, International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS), 5(3), 61-81.
International Conferences:
- M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, and Ken Sakamura, “Leveraging Hardware Support for Security of e-Services with eTRON Architecture,” IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics (IEEE GHTCE 2014), November 2014.
- Jee-Eun Kim, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura, “Mobile applications for assisting mobility for the visually impaired using IoT infrastructure”, TRON Symposium, pp.1-6, 2014.
- Masato Kamio, Takeshi Yashiro, Keiichi Nakamura, and Ken Sakamura, “6LoWPAN Border Router with Replaceable IEEE 802.15.4 RF Modules”, TRON Symposium 2014.
- Jee-Eun Kim, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura, “Enhancing Public Transit Accessibility for the Visually Impaired using IoT and Open Data Infrastructures”, The First International Conference on IoT in Urban Space, pp.80-86, 2014.
- Xiaohui Peng, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka and Ken Sakamura : “A Framework for Peak Electricity Demand Control Utilizing Constraint Programing Method in Smart Building”, IEEE GCCE 2014, pp. 744-748, 2014.
- Masato Kamio, Takeshi Yashiro and Ken Sakamura : “6LoWPAN Framework for Efficient Integration of Embedded Devices to the Internet of Things”, IEEE GCCE 2014.
Domestic Conferences:
- 矢代武嗣, 小林真輔, 越塚登, 坂村健「災害時のインフラ喪失に対する耐性をもった公共防災情報端末の実現」in FIT2014(第13回情報科学技術フォーラム)予稿集 第4分冊, pp.63~68, 2014.
Doctor Dissertations
- 中村 圭一:”Study on Wireless Ranging and Positioning Methods Using Active RFID Tags”(2014/05/23)
- 矢代 武嗣:「ユビキタスコンピューティングシステムを効率よく実現するソフトウェアアーキテクチャ(2014/05/23)
- Shigesada, Y., Kobayashi, S., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K. : “Interoperable Spatial Information Model and Design Environment Based on ucR Technology”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 96(1), 51-63.
International Conferences:
- Watanabe, T., Kobayashi, S., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K. : “InfoScope: Smart telescope system using robust feature points matching under various sunshine conditions”, In Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on (pp. 94-95).
- Yashiro, T., Kobayashi, S., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K. : “An Internet of Things (IoT) architecture for embedded appliances”, In Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2013 IEEE Region 10 (pp. 314-319).
- Yashiro, T., Kobayashi, S., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K. : “A software HEMS framework for consumer electronic”s. In Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on (pp. 229-230).
- Kim, J. E., Bessho, M., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K. : “SaSYS: A Swipe Gesture-Based System for Exploring Urban Environments for the Visually Impaired”, In Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services (pp. 54-71).
- Kharrat, M., Wakuda, Y., Koshizuka, N., & Sakamura, K. : “Automatic waist airbag drowning prevention system based on underwater time-lapse and motion information measured by smartphone’s pressure sensor and accelerometer”, In Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 270-273).
- Khan, M., & Sakamura, K. : “Towards securer and smarter smartcard applications”, In ICCEBerlin 2013. IEEE Third International Conference on (pp. 302-306).
- Sakamura, K. : “Keynote addresses & special symposiums”. In Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on (pp. 24-28).
- Takeshi Yashiro, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “A Smart House Framework for Inter-Connecting Objects Based on the Internet-Oriented Architecture”, in Proc. 1st International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2013), November 2013.
- M. Kharrat, Y. Wakuda, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “Automatic Waist Airbag Drowning Prevention System Based on Underwater Time-Lapse and Motion Information Measured by Smartphone”, 31st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE 2013), 2013.
Doctor Dissertation
- Kharrat Mohamed:”Early Drowning Context Awareness Using Wearable Sensors “(2013/04/26)
- Lee Fueng Yap, Takeshi Yashiro, Masahiro Bessho, Tomonori Usaka, M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura, (2012) ‘SUCAS: smart-card-based secure user-centric attestation framework for location-based services’, Int. J. Information Privacy, Security and Integrity, Vol. 1, Nos. 2/3, pp.160–183, 2012
- Lee Fueng Yap, Masahiro Bessho, Tomonori Usaka, Takeshi Yashiro, M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura, (2012) “Secure Consumer-Oriented Integrated Services Using Activity-Based Attestation for Converging Online and In-Store Shopping Experience,” International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 165-170,
- M. Kharrat, Y. Wakuda, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “Evaluation of WFM based EEMD Method in Heart Activity Analysis”, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2012.
- Y. Shigesada, S. Kobyashi, N. Koshizuka, and S. Koshizuka: “Interoperable Spatial Information Model and Design Environment Based on ucR Technology”, IEICE Transactions, 2012.
- Lee Fueng Yap, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura, (2012) “User-Generated Content for Location-Based Services: A Review”, the Annals of Information Systems Series special issue on Virtual Communities, Social Networks and Collaboration, Vol. 15, Chapter 9, July 31, 2012.
- Ken Sakamura: “Smart Living Environment: Ubiquitous Computing Approach Based on TRON Architecture”, Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living 2012, 2012.
International Conferences:
- M. Kharrat, Y. Wakuda, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, K. Sakamura, “Evaluation of Weight Factor Mode and EEMD Performance on Measuring Heart Rate Activity in the Presence of Cardiac Arrhythmia”, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2012), Malaysia, Vol. B, P128, 28, February 2012.
- M Fahim Ferdous Khan, and Ken Sakamura, “Context-Aware Access control for Clinical Information Systems,” The 8th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 2012), March 2012.
- Satoshi Asano, Yuki Wakuda, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura, “A Robust Pedestrian Dead-reckoning Positioning Based on Pedestrian Behavior and Sensor Validity,” IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2012 (PLANS 2012), April 24-26, 2012.
- Y. Wakuda, S. Asano, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura, “An Adaptive Map-Matching based on Dynamic Time Warping for Pedestrian Positioning using Network Map” in IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation System 2012 (PLANS2012), Apr. 24-26, 2012.
- M Fahim Ferdous Khan, and Ken Sakamura, “Toward a Synergy Among Discretionary, Role-Based and Context-Aware Access Control Models in Healthcare Information Technology,” The World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2012), June 2012.
- M. Kharrat, Y. Wakuda, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “Near Drowning Pattern Recognition Using Neural Network and Wearable Pressure and Motion Sensors Attached at Swimmer”, 19th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP12), 2012.
- M. Kharrat, Y. Wakuda, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “Near Drowning Pattern Detection Using Neural Network and Pressure Information Measured at Swimmer”, The Seventh ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems (ACM WUWNet 2012), 2012.
- T. Watanabe, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “A Low Latency and Intuitive Control Video Streaming System”, Proc. IEEE 1st Global Conference on Consumer Electronic (IEEE GCCE 2012), 2012.
- S. Asano, Y. Wakuda, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “Pedestrian Dead-reckoning Unit for Navigation System using Mobile Device”, Proc. IEEE 1st Global Conference on Consumer Electronic (IEEE GCCE 2012), 2012.
- T. Yashiro, T. Ban, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “A Framework for Context-Aware Power Management on Embedded Devices”, Proc. IEEE 1st Global Conference on Consumer Electronic (IEEE GCCE 2012), 2012.
- Y. Wakuda, S. Asano, N. Koshizuka, and K. Sakamura: “Ubiquitous sensor-based pedestrian dead-reckoning for LBS applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS), 2012.
Domestic Conferences:
- 峯岸康史, 新堂克徳, 越塚登, 坂村健, “組込みカーネル拡張TK-SLPにおける省電力化戦略”, 2012年電子情報通信学会 総合大会
- 越塚登, 新堂克徳, 峯岸康史, 坂村健, “EPD向きの省電力型GUIツールキット:TK-SLP/GUI”, 2012年電子情報通信学会 総合大会
- 新堂克徳, 峯岸康史, 越塚登, 坂村健, “スマートメーター機能を提供するRTOS拡張機能:TK-SLP/SMP”, 2012年電子情報通信学会 総合大会
- 別所正博, 中尾彰宏, 越塚 登, 坂村 健, “場所情報サービスのためのデータキャッシュ機構に関する分析”, 2012年電子情報通信学会 総合大会
Doctor Dissertations:
- KHAN M. Fahim Ferdous:”Hybrid and Context Aware Access Control Measures for Ubiquitous Computing Services”(2012/03/22)
- YAP Lee Fueng:”Trust and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing with Activity-Based Attestation Framework”(2012/03/22)
- Kenichi Mizugaki, Tatsuo Nakagawa, Ryosuke Fujiwara, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura: “UWB-IR Wireless Accurate Location System for Sensor Network”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications, 2011.
International Conferences:
- Takeshi Yashiro, M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, So Ito, Masahiro Bessho, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Tomonori Usaka, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “eTNet: A Smart Card Network Architecture for Flexible Electronic Commerce Services”, The 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS 2011), 2011.
- Lee Fueng Yap, Masahiro Bessho, Tomonori Usaka, Takeshi Yashiro, M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “Secure Consumer-Oriented Integrated Services Using Activity-Based Attestation for Converging Online and In-Store Shopping Experience”, International Conference on Information and Computer Applications (ICICA 2011), 2011.
- M. Kharrat, Y. Wakuda, S. Kobayashi, N. Koshizuka, K. Sakamura: “Near Drowning Detection System Based on Swimmer’s Physiological Information Analysis”, World Conference on Drowning Prevention (WCDP), 2011.
- Shinsuke Kobayashi, Yukihiko Shigesada, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “Interoperable Spatial Information System Architecture Based on Ubiquitous ID Infrastructure”, The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Service Science and Systems (SSS 2011), 2011.
Domestic Conferences:
- 新堂克徳, 越塚登, 坂村健: “ucRを利用した空間情報基盤”, 第4回トロン/ユビキタス技術研究会予稿集, 2011.
- 坂村健: “総合論文誌第8号の刊行にあたって(ユビキタス社会と建築・都市のフロンティア)”, 日本建築学会総合論文誌, 2010.
- Noboru Koshizuka and Ken Sakamura: “Ubiquitous ID: Standards for Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet of Things”, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2010.
International Conferences:
- Mitsuo Shimohata, Hiroyuki Miki, Naotsune Hosono, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura: “User Interface of Mobile Tourist Information for Aging People”, The 25th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, March 2010, online, 2010.
- Takeshi Yashiro, Masahiro Bessho, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “T-Kernel/SS: A Secure Filesystem with Access Control Protection Using Tamper-Resistant Chip”, The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications (STPSA 2010), COMPSAC 2010 Workshop, 2010.
- M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Ken Sakamura, Takeshi Yashiro, Masahiro Bessho, and Noboru Koshizuka: “Developing Secure and Efficient Electronic Commerce Applications with eTRON Architecture”, The 3rd International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security (ISECS 2010), 2010.
- Yukihiko Shigesada, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “ucR Based Interoperable Spatial Information Model for Realizing Ubiquitous Spatial Infrastructure”, The 34th IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2010), 2010.
- Lee Fueng Yap, Takeshi Yashiro, Masahiro Bessho, Tomonori Usaka, M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “SUCAS: An Architecture for Secure User Centric Attestation in Location-Based Service”, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT 2010), 2010.
- Keiichi Nakamura, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Hisanori Matsumoto, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “TOA-Based Lateral Distance Measurement System Using UWB Impulse Radio”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010), 2010.
- Mohamed Kharrat, Yuki Wakuda, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “Adaptive Radial Artery Pulse Rate Measurement using Piezo Film Sensor Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2010), 2010.
- Keiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Matsumoto, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Noboru Koshizuka, and Ken Sakamura: “Approaching Vehicle Alert System for Pedestrians using UWB Impulse Radio”, The 21st Annual Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Sciences (MHS 2010), 2010.
Domestic Conferences:
- 下畑光夫, 三樹弘之, 細野直恒, 越塚登, 坂村健: “シニア向けモバイル観光情報サービスにおけるインタフェースの設計”, モバイル’10, 2010.
- 渡邊徹志, 施可為, 石井健太郎, 湧田雄基, 小林真輔, 越塚登, 坂村健: “拡張現実型情報端末uScopeの提案”, 第2回トロン/ユビキタス技術研究会予稿集, 2010.
- 矢代武嗣, 別所正博, 小林真輔, 越塚登, 坂村健: “T-Engineプラットフォームにおけるオープンソースソフトウェアの適応化手法─WebKitの移植におけるケーススタディ─”, 第1回トロン/ユビキタス技術研究会予稿集, 2010.
- 矢代武嗣, 小林真輔, 越塚登, 坂村健: “Qt over T-Kernel Extension 2.0”, 第3回トロン/ユビキタス技術研究会予稿集, 2010.
Before 2010
Doctor Dissertation
- 別所 正博:「ユビキタス空間識別基盤に関する研究」(2008/07/18)
- 小笠原 武史:”Adaptive Optimization of Language-Specific Overhead for Java Virtual Machines”(仮想機械上での言語機能固有オーバーヘッドの適応的最適化に関する研究)(2009/03/23)
- 竹内 理:”Low Cost – High Performance Streaming Server Architecture Making Use of Multiple Operating Systems”(2009/03/23)