ホーム » 未分類 » Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP), 第一回 Data Space WGを開催しました (2024年6月4日)

Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP), 第一回 Data Space WGを開催しました (2024年6月4日)

2024年6月4日に、AODP (Asia Open Data Partnership)(https://aodp.tca.org.tw/)のData Space WGの第一回会合をオンラインで開催しました。プログラムは以下の通りです。

  1. Introduction to the Data Space WG
    Noboru Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
  2. “An Introduction to Dare Spaces;  What Data Spaces are and DATA-EX“
    Noboru Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
  3. “Data Space Initiatives by IPA, Japan”
    Mirai Odagiri (Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan)
  4. General Discussion
  5. Closing Remarks
    Noboru Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)


Asia Open Data Partnership, Data Space WG


  • Noboru Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan, AODP 2024 Summit Chair)


  • Erica Lin (AODP/TCA)
  • Kazuma Hatano (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

WG Plan

  • 1st WG (June 4)
    • Introduction (Kick off + Visions, Trend) (UT and IPA, Japan
  • 2nd WG (July 15)
    • Data Spaces Case Study (1) (IDSA, Luxembourg, …)
  • 3rd WG (Sept 23)
    • Data Spaces Case Study (2)  (From AODP Partners. Any speakers?)

! All WGs will be held online during 18:00—20:00 JST/17:00—19:00 Tiwan Time.


Data space is a concept of data platforms “offering both multi-organizational agreements and technical infrastructure to facilitate trusted data sharing between two or more participants:, forming a value creating ecosystem including business models”.  In Europe, there are many initiatives related to data spaces such as GAIA-X, International Data Spaces Association (IDSA), Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, FIWARE, and Eclipse.  Also in Asia, for example in Japan, DATA-EX and Ouranos Ecosystem are examples of data spaces initiatives.

In OECD, IAP (Institutional Arrangement of Partnership) is a new activity to realize DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust).

In AODP, we would like to start a new WG “Data Space WG” in which we will study and share information and knowledge about data spaces, and discuss the role of open data in data spaces.  Also, we would like to discuss how Asia should deal with  data spaces.  We are planning to have three WG meetings in this year.  The result of discussion will be input to the AODP Summit 2024 which will be held in October 8 and 9, 2024 in Tokyo.

We hope many people will join the WG.


